
Showing posts from September, 2020

The Universe Responds

 Well friends,  Its been just over a week since I released my story for everyone to read.  To be honest, after I posted I was completely exhausted... I couldn't even look at my phone for a couple days because I was feeling so overwhelmed with feelings I have never dealt with.  These past 18 months have been so amazing. I'm seriously so blessed in my life, I have the most supportive family and friends. I have the most amazing, smart, beautiful daughter, and I have the most supportive husband anyone could ask for.  However, these last 18 months have probably been the hardest I've experienced.  I'm about to get even deeper with you all, if that's even possible! When I ended up sick and back in the hospital it was a really hard fact to come to terms with. I was a healthy 24 year old woman with a new born baby. Having no control of my body and not being able to even use the bathroom alone was so self defeating. But this was extra hard on me because I have a parent with a

About me and My Story

 Hi Friends!  Welcome to my new blog. I tried this a long long time ago, and it didn't really work out for me. I'm hoping this time will be a little different. Props to all those busy moms out there who can make time for blogging and social media, because its hard work!  I wanted to start over because I think this will be a great way for me to share a very traumatic life experience. I've always been pretty quiet on social media when it comes to "bad" experiences that happen in my life. I know that seems silly, and I'd love to be more transparent and vulnerable with you. So hopefully this can help me do that.    I think I'll start by introducing myself for those who don't know me. My name is Lexi Harker. I'm a mom to the most adorable 18 month old little girl. I run a full time business in the wedding industry and am also a part time hair dresser and makeup artist. I've been married to my amazing husband for the last 5 years. I could bore you wi